Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

I do not know about everyone else, but I love Mother's Day. No, I am not a mom, but I have a mom. I love to think of special ways to make her feel loved. Most of all I like to sit down and write out the reasons I am so thankful she is my mother.

My mom has always been my silent cheerleader. I did not always know this. There were years when I thought she did not care. Then God showed me that what I had been telling myself was the truth was, in fact, nothing but lies. Since then God has revealed to me the treasure I have in my mom. She loves me, cheers me on, and is there to wipe away my tears. Even if the whole world should turn against me, it is a comfort to know that my mom will still believe in me. She will still love me.

I used to believe parents were a burden. They only held a person back, I thought. How wrong I was! Our parents can be out best friends if we let them. They have so much wisdom to share. They know us better then almost anyone else. Since they know us so well, they are the perfect ones to advise us. They are the perfect ones to point out our weaknesses, because since they love us so much they will never use our weaknesses against us, but instead will help us to overcome those weaknesses.

I am writing today to encourage you to thank you mother for being who she is in your life, and to remind you to praise her for her faithfulness in loving you (even when you were not so lovable). If your mom is a Christian and has impacted your life for Christ, that is all the more reason for you to thank her and praise her.

We are not promised a tomorrow. Please do not waste this opportunity God has given you to tell your mother how much you love her and how much she means to you. God's Word says, "Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you" (Exodus 20:12).

I want to thank my mom again for all she has been to me through my growing up years. Without her love I would not be writing this post today. Thanks Mom!
To all you moms out there, have a Happy Mother's Day. I thank the Lord for faithful Christian mothers who raise their children up in the ways of the Lord.

To God be the glory,


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