Monday, November 22, 2010

Delight and Thanksgiving

This morning I was really struggling with myself. I woke up and was so groggy I was sure that I would never be awake enough to retain God's Word, so I grabbed a fiction book and read several chapters. By the time I looked at my alarm clock again I realized that I should have already been out of bed. I was tempted to put off my devotions and go eat breakfast. I could come back to my devotions when my stomach was full, but I stopped as I sat up remembering how I had planned to do that earlier this week and ended up getting distracted then busy and didn't remember to spend time in the Word until right before I lay down to sleep. Not wanting to repeat that, I grab my Bible and half-heartedly began to read.

I stopped after reading my chapter of Proverbs and said, "Lord, I feel nothing. I want to love You more, why is it that I feel no motivation to study Your Word. Why is making time for prayer so difficult?" Feelings of guilt tried to distract me as I began to read again. I had been spending too much time being entertained earlier in the week, I didn't pray enough... But God was faithful again. As I continued to read I came across this verse.

"Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass" (Psalm 37:4-5).

Delight myself in the Lord. If I could but delight myself in His goodness, His faithfulness, if I could but commit my way, my very day, to Him and trust Him, then He would be faithful and give me what I so long for. A refreshed zeal for Him and for Him alone. As I began to delight in the Lord, and praise and thank Him for His goodness an awesome thing accord. I felt my passion and zeal for the Lord and His Word returning, had not the days duties stretched before me I could have laid in bed praising His name for hours. He has been so very good to me. I am truly blessed.

As Thanksgiving Day draws near, I protest the fact that many refer to it as Turkey Day. I jump at the chance to remind people about what the holiday is really about. Giving thanks to the Lord God Almighty for the great things He has done in our lives. My dear friends, as this day of thanksgiving approaches may I remind you to delight yourself in the Lord and His goodness. If you are feeling like your faith is running dry, or your passion for reading the Bible or for praying has faded to wisps of memories, do not despair. Instead, delight in the Lord, and praise Him for what He has done. Commit you way unto the Lord, trust in Him, and He shall give you the deepest desire of your heart. He shall bring it to pass that you will have such zeal for Him, that you will hardly be able to keep from singing His praises.

"Oh, give thanks to the LORD for He is good! For His mercy endures forever" (Psalm 136:1).

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